Thursday, December 13, 2012

What Lee Enterprises cant publish about Montana

An adversary is put in their place.

This is a letter to the local Governments. This is a letter to the Government who mistreats is own taxpayers as long as you all stick together. This is to all that helped or were employed by those governments.

This is to all of their employees. This is to all of their leaders.

This is what happens to people who dont respect laws, rights, and rules:

This is the notches in my belt, and counting coup on the Lee Enterprises Newspaper chain:





Open letter to Hamilton City and Ravalli County residents
This letter is communicate to readers of the Bitterroot Star, and the Bitterroot valley a situation that our public officials (including Governor Brian Schweitzer) chooses to completely ignore due to the “headache”. A copy of this letter is being sent to Mayor Engen of Missoula, who was gracious enough to meet with me in 2009 and might get a better reception with the Governor, and the Missoula County Commission.
The City of Hamilton claims they “incorporated” in 1894. Ravalli County was formed by the Montana Legislature on March 3, 1893. Hopefully by the last two sentences, many people are doing a double take. A county seat such as Hamilton cannot be formed a year after it’s county was.
As tax season is in full swing in April, many of us pay respective taxes to these local governments in this area. The problem arises as the requisite paperwork for Hamilton’s existence are absent, and are non-existent as was admitted in official meeting August 2009 by Mayor Jerry Steele and captured in the documentary “Beneath the Beauty” .

Montana Code indicates that a municipality in Montana such as Hamilton must have a census, petition, record of election, and notice of election to incorporate as is found in MCA§ 7-2-4101 to 7-2-4105. These items must be open to public inspection. Ms. Rose Allen Hamilton City Clerk, Ms. Regina Plettenberg Ravalli County Clerk do not have these items; we inspected the record prior to the 2009 Mayor election, including the Ravalli County Museum.
I purchased a certified plat map of the City of Hamilton on February 25, 2010. While I only wanted to authenticate the city property as publically owned, the map glaringly told a different tale: James H. Hamilton annexed the City of Hamilton to Missoula Co. by sworn affidavit on September 4, 1890. The map is available by searching the Youtube® website for “City of Hamilton, Montana” and viewing a short video of this map.

Actual Map--click on square to view
As we prepare for paying taxes on our properties to the “City” of Hamilton, and Ravalli County, the implication is that we are paying money for tax to a group of people pretending to have a government. The Feds like to prioritize their investigations, public or municipal fraud (misuse of public tax dollars by local government) is the number one (#1) criminal priority, followed by election fraud. As commissioner signs are put up, and Regina Plettenberg prepares for another county election (the #2 criminal priority) this area’s government is in denial of the realities and problems they are truly in.
Ravalli County government cannot exist without a legitimate seat per Montana Code Ann. MCA§7-2-2103. Matt Kanenwisher, and Suzy Foss have been consulted as to this issue and they assure me they take it seriously. My faith in a county attorney making opinion to eliminate his own job is tenuous at best. Instead of addressing the commission, I am electing to write this open letter to inform the public at large.
The Bitterroot Star, myself, the Ravalli County Watchdog site, and Judge Jim Haynes made opinion that public information is not released, nor is public money spent with proper and lawful public notice in Ravalli County. As law enforcement cannot restrain from tampering with evidence, nor students from practicing law, or a city attorney swearing an oath for seven years in office, a common theme is there: unlawful, unincorporated local governments have no obligation to obey the law or respect local taxpayers.
I have queried the Missoula Commission of their ownership of Ravalli County by annexation of Hamilton in 1890. Their response: they will let the Ravalli County Commission take the lead. A popular tactic is to “hold our breath” and wait for an issue to subside; your voice is needed now. As a messenger, it did not go so well as I attempted to put a letter to President Obama concerning the lack of civil rights in this county, and the ministrations of local law enforcement; ten to fifteen million readers are aware that Ravalli County has no incorporated seat. Only until recently has the connection been made regarding actual ownership of the City of Hamilton and the unlawful nature of Ravalli County by Montana Law.

The Bitterroot Public library in criminal conspiracy with Hamilton MT Police


The Montana US President letter: banned from the Bitterroot Public Library, false publication in the Associated Press with aleged involvement by the Montana Supreme Court, and alas, the City of Hamilton does not exist.
[The Bitterroot Public Library gets more than $500,000/yr from the taxpayers in Ravalli County and pays $1 to the "City" of Hamilton for space by fraud]
While I care not for the partisan issues raised locally, I do care for the public taxpayer, and the lawful status of our governments. An unincorporated city cannot have elections, pay employees, or collect taxes. The same can be said for Ravalli County government. The Commissioners are not too keen on putting their pencils down or making efforts with the City of Hamilton to lawfully incorporate (or re-incorporate).
I ask that this issue is not allowed to be ignored. The incorporation process will ask people within the City of Hamilton if incorporation is the right move.
As a city resident, my choice would be to emulate Seeley Lake: no government other than Missoula Co. Are we better without any local government ? My opinion is that the City of Hamilton, and Ravalli County do more harm than good with our tax dollars. The staff of these governments like to gang up on, and abuse the very taxpayers that pay their salaries as public officials of governments locally that dont lawfully exist.
It is irresponsible for the Montana Governor to ignore this critical issue. The same can be said for the Missoula Commission: turning down tens of millions of tax revenue due to it being a “headache” is a disservice to its constituents. As a taxpayer, make your voice known to your unlawful governments to follow Montana Law, or disband.

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