Monday, April 30, 2012

May Day Lee Enterprises

Who is the biggest winner when it comes to ripeness for indictment?

Lee Enterprises Newspapers and Local Governments in Montana. A t-shirt was made to indicate that George Corn former Ravalli County Attorney "brews" RICO violations.

George Corn with Lee Enterprises brews RICO violations
[former Lee editorial staff & local prosecutor--no conclict of interest there]
courtesy of George Corn website.

Why does George Corn brew RICO violations? Well for starters he got entities like Lee Enterprises newspaper in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana to go along with his schemes. One was an accident scheme, another was going along with the prosecutor (George Corn) to print information on demand.

The RICO law was developed by the US Justice Department to take down the mafia families in New York State. They are very difficult to understand, but the only factor that was missing was private business, which is where Lee Enterprises comes into the picture.

While I am not a prosecutor, nor a RICO expert, it is my opinion that the relationship with the local press and the local governments cross a boundary into criminal schemes.

Federal RICO laws were meant to stop the collective criminal behavior and public corruption that is seen in Montana. Crystal Cox and I have spent a great number of hours researching, writing, defending and "prosecuting" (plaintiff) these issues.

As special treatment, and special rules are given to corporate people, ordinary people cannot defend against the crime of the corporate.

I will leave you with the Montana US President letter which has had millions of viewers after being banned from the Bitterroot Public Library Hamilton MT and hacked by Anonymous to millions more. It asks the first African American US President for civil rights, and refused:

As Lee Enterprises is told, and paid to print stories in Montana, it has become a RICO criminal scheme and it defrauds the public of a free press.

As the President letter describes Lee Enterprises as Pravda, the real question is, why hasn't the alleged criminal activity been stopped, instead of giving the CEO of Lee Enterprises the helm able to sway news as AP chairman? Perhaps your Ahhh Hah lightbulb just came on.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Lee Witholds Pension Payments.

Lee Enterprises Defers Pension Payments to Employees

Thumbnail image for mary junck.jpg
You'd be smiling too if you had the year Mary Junck had.
Post-Dispatch employees enrolled in the Pulitzer pension plan received letters this weekend notifying them that Lee Enterprises chose to exercise an election that allowed the company to defer paying into the plan for all of 2011.

So Lee deferred making payments to employee pensions for 2011, but gave CEO Mary Junck and CFO Carl Schmidt performance bonuses totaling $500,000 and $250,000 respectively. That's three-quarters of a million dollars in cash prizes for taking the company into bankruptcy.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the employees and the United Media Guild were less than pleased with the revelation. Having almost no head for business -- cash bonuses for bankruptcy just doesn't make sense no matter how we parse it -- we reached out to UMG business representative Shannon Duffy for some clarification.

Duffy confirms that the financial maneuver is, "Not illegal, but it is reprehensible that they do this and give Junck and Schmidt bonus for bankruptcy. But nothing Lee does surprises me anymore."

He hastens to reiterate that, "I don't believe anyone's pension is at risk. I don't think we're in danger, this just shows their values. We have absentee owners -- they don't care about their workers, the region or the Post-Dispatch."

When asked if employees could receive a similar notice this time next year, Duffy's uncertain. "We're not sure yet. We've sent the matter to our pension attorneys. But I don't believe we have any recourse on this. What they're doing is legal -- they tend to not violate the law."

"But these are people's lives here. They have families, homes, kids to worry about. They've taken pay cuts to help the company -- you wanna know where Lee's priorities are? Labor is listed on their balance sheet under 'Liability.'"

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Improper influence at Lee Enterprises, elsewhere.

Back in the mid 1900's Firestone Rubber Co. purchased the rights to the trolley tracks in Los Angeles in an effort to sell more automobile tires. In doing so, it held back Los Angeles from making a transit system that did not use internal combustion engines, but utilized tires: Firestone Tires.

This is a picture of the Trolley in Los Angeles prior to removal by Firestone.
It is not just the savvy business decision that would make Donald Trump's hair part on the other side, and show corporations the money, it was the way business made consumers like Americans more dependent on Oil, Autos, and the road building mantra that defines pork in bills from US Congress.

The same thing is going on with alternative energy use. As Montana is rich in timber resources, it could be advancing in bio-fuels, and bio-mass burners to create everything from heat to diesel fuel. In Indiana the fight is over ethanol as traditional landfills are large revenue generators for their owners. When a business can't compete with new technology it reverts to local politics to save its share of the market, enter Lee Enterprises.
A Trash to Ethanol process
As Lee Enterprises is directly invested in landfill companies, if it were to protect its investment, how would the readers know if LEE was subversively influencing the vote, opinion, and outcome of a project that they are in conflict of interest? Does a media company such as Lee Enterprises have to disclose to its readers where it has investments? Of course not.
As sources tell us Lee Enterprises is heavily invested in a landfill corporation, one which attempts to keep Mary Junk's terrible decisions afloat, Lee Enterprises is reluctant to give up that cash cow. In fact Lee Enterprises stock has trouble staying above $1 on the NYSE (we suggested Viagra)
As newspapers in America are doing favors for big business, and big government (like convincing us that Mitt Romney won the nomination, or Rick Santorum is "losing his "graceful" window to exit", or that Ron Paul really doesn't matter) media is nothing more than the convincing factory, or ground truthing that sells to the highest bidder. As newspapers need not inform the public of their conflicts, perhaps the payment for their newspaper leases, and salaries are coming from the corporate desire for mis-information. As Lee needs a public a buy-in for traditional landfills in Indiana, it is vilifying politicians, it is forcing the negotiations for financing for an alternative to landfill into banking problems. Lee is trying to convice its readers that the money needs to stay where it is, because it may be a big beneficiary of that old, tired, but very profitable industry.
It is comparable to the US Government not pursuing alternative forms of transportation. The US just bought out GM, Chrylser, and the US President claims credit for "saving the Mid-West". There are too many American companies dependent on Auto parts, tires, car insurance, and road building to change to an alternative fuel for personal vehicles. As Lee Enterprises attempts to shape the view of alternative use of garbage into energy, it protects the big business interests (and its own).
The problem arises when competition of business (aka free enterprise; pardon the pun) is hindered by perception of a newspaper. Newspapers across the United States are becoming nothing more than corporate cheering sections for special interests, and usually not benefiting the public. As the trash to ethanol situation in Indiana becomes vilified to protect Lee's own interest, the public loses out on new technology, new business and new job growth opportunity. Competition is eliminated, and so is free economy as the US Press tries to fill its hands with corporate dollars to keep its presses rolling.
Is it an opinion that Lee Enterprises is engaging in the shaping of the public to benefit their own investments? Absolutely. Is it an opinion that a newspaper has ulterior motives in any story, without a doubt. Is it an opinion that Lee Enterprises needs to do whatever it takes to stay in business as it took on $27M in interest payments to restructure their $1B debt, yes.
Part of the same problem is the gullibility of the American citizen today. No one is taught to think critically, and critical thinking is not rewarded in the corporate world unless it makes more money for the corporation. Newspapers like Lee Enterprises are tapping into this void in America and plugging the paid message through it's reporting instead of hearing it on a 30 second spot on television.  Bottom line is that newspapers are taking advantage of its position as a free press, and affecting free enterprise in America--or what is left of it.
The problem arises as Americans dont have recourse to the corporate message, and one sided slants in the US press. A four star General, Petraeus the pride of West Point would say counterinsugency, buy in, and careful use, and tracking of funds to not allow corruption. That is what he is doing in Afgansitan. That is what America needs to do to counter the corporate message from Lee and other newspapers in the US.  Only then will the improper influence from the media STOP.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Some Dirt on Lee

As Americans are VERY aware, the US print media are not researching corruption, and then crucifying bloggers who do, for their corporate friends.

we found some dirt on Lee Enterprises.  They use their public ear to protect their own investments, and go against what is best for the public.

As Lee Enterprises stock is struggling to stay above $1 minimum (again), we find that this corporation is only interested in its own profits, not its own employees.  The following videos are systematic of Lee operating procedure in the United States as the AP chair is the Lee Enterprises CEO.

Lee Enterprises feels peaceful assembly is trespassing.

Lee Enterprises feels its employees are expendable as any corporation would.

Stay tuned to Lee Enterprises to see what we come up with on this corporate giant and how they use their public influence to MAKE MONEY.

Thanks for viewing, and remember FRIENDS DON'T LET FRIENDS OWN LEE STOCK.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Lee Enterprises and the Treyvon Martin Photo

There is a new standard in journalism: it is Lee Enterprises.

Mary Junk, CEO of Lee Enterprises is the Chairman of the Associated Press (AP) Board. Many people have noticed, but many more have not: the Photo of Treyvon Martin used with any story (sent out by the AP) is using a photo taken when Treyvon Martin was approximately 13 years old.

Treyvon Martin did quite a bit of growing since age 13. When Treyvon Martin died at age 17 he was approximately six feet tall (72") and 160 pounds. The second person involved, George Zimmerman is 170 pounds and 28 years of age, and less than six feet tall [Source: the examinier website].

Here is the comparison:
Treyvon Martin at aged 13 as is displayed by the Associated Press (AP).
A more realistic photograph of Treyvon Martin of Saford, Florida at time of death would be:

According to the Examiner website, there is actually only a 10 pound difference between the two persons involved in the altercation: George Zimmerman, and Treyvon Martin.

Video of cuts/gashes to Geroge Zimmerman's head
[even corporate media says is graphic--its just cuts]

Cuts requiring shaving Zimmermans head and treatment are evidence of self defense, but in American justice system, who the f-bomb knows.
(link was not working as it published it--is on Yahoo Home page Friday April 20, 2012)

It is interesting to take into account a black person's perspective on this case: When black kills black, no sweat, no outcry. When other kills black, we get "adoption" by a US President who is African American and protest marches. See for yourself in this youtube video:
African-American Perspective

A prosecutor's perspective/ Harvard Law perspective

The Obama Administration is most pleased with Lee Enterprises [did the public not see Warren Buffet investing in Lee upon command of the President?], and that Treyvon Martin would look like Obama's son.
When the media can whip up any result they want, the AP chair was given to a Lee Enterprises executive. Misinformation is the new media, known as psyops or psychological warfare: but this time Lee Enterprises is misinforming the US Population.
When the misinformation comes from all sources, computer, television, and print media, how are under-educated Americans supposed to think for themselves.....and how is Lee Enterprises supposed to pay off its debt?

FOOTNOTE: LEE stock under 10 bits, or buck and a quarter.  Note that the dose of Viagra is almost wearing off.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Lee's role

As Lee Enterprises CEO is the head of the Associated Press, it has been given the nod, unless you count the one Billion in debt, how does a company "pay" off that debt?

By being true to its master.

The corporate-government master.

Most sadly in all of these events, the

once great United States, whose press

freedoms were once legendary, has been

placed at No. 47 on the world’s press

freedom index by the internationally

respected Reporters Without Borders

(RSF) organization in a stunning move

reflecting how deprived of real truth the

American people truly are.

The great American Founding Father

Thomas Jefferson once warned his fellow

citizens, “Our liberty cannot be guarded

but by the freedom of the press, nor that

be limited without danger of losing it.”

With that warning going unheeded,

however, the quote of the great American

author Mark Twain seems to be the more

appropriate one to use for this American

generation, “There are laws to protect the

freedom of the press’s speech, but none

that are worth anything to protect the

people from the press.

Trespass on Public Property
care of Lee Enterprises.

Occpied Lee Enterprises in Montana.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hey Lee Enterprises I See You Researching Me. Dig Deep Maybe you Will Find the TRUTH

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