Sunday, October 28, 2012

White House OWNS the Associated Press (AP).

This blog has watched as the Lee Enterprises Inc. company has been bailed out by Warren Buffett twice.  Warren Buffett is a personal friend of Barack H. Obama the 44th US President. We have watched as Lee Enterpirses went through bankruptcy and stiffed its employess and its creditors.

We wrote about Lee Enterprises fuzzy math keeping $1B in liability at a higher interest rate, and stayed in business.

We documented as a Lee Enterprises newspaper in Montana ignored the first amendment, lied in a federal court in sworn statement, and is now saying the US President who ignores civil rights requests will prevail in the American election November 6, 2012.

It is sad when the US press is so sold out.  Perhaps the Davenport IA based Lee Enterprises came up with the story that Obama will will the 270 electoral votes because the Des Moins Register endorsed the other candidate.

When a company like Lee Enterprises is at the helm of the Associated Press, they work for local, state and federal governments to get out of debt.

Newspapers dont sell anymore, so Lee Enterprises pays the bills by swaying the Associated Press.
Beyond sad.  Lee Enterprises sucks.

See Profiteers without ethics: Lee Enterprises.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Lee supports Steve Bullock Governor campaign

Oh how many ways can a newspaper company like Lee Enterprises attempt to throw an election for a candidate?  We already know they:

1) Look the other way for Montana public officials who commit crime
-affidavit in "Lee Newsworthyness"; accident date September 14, 2007 Hamilton, MT
read more:

2) PUBLISH known false information to discredit those who were running for office.

3) We asked recently rhetorically if Lee Enterprises were in bed with Steve Bullock running for Governor.

4) write articles that omit public fraud of Steve Bullock with respect to the 2007 Montana Zyprexa lawsuit.  Steve Bullock, AG did not benefit the victims and started a trust fund for non-victims to the tune of $9.5 M.

Steve Bullock's debate closing statement from October 9, 2012 proves that Steve Bullock is on crack.  He has a vision for Montana, one that is not reachable.  Notice how Steve decides to thank his wife Lisa for putting up with him and his Montana bid for Montana Governor in 2012:

The October 9, 2012 Montana Governor Debate

Do those Montana values include intimidation, threats, and prosecution in violation of Steve Bullock's oath of office to defend basic constitutional rights?  Does it involve looking the other way for Montana Law Enforcement crime?  Steve Bullock refused jurisdiction of this Hamilton Montana incident October 4, 2011.  Isn't Steve Bullock Montana Attorney General?

What else is fair game if law enforcement can commit crime, violate US, Montana rights?
now in 9 languages: is this Steve Bullock's vision for the future of Montana?

Steve Bullock is being exposed as he runs for Governor of Montana in 2012.  A detailed list and links for the real Steve Bullock, and why he should not be Montana Governor in 2012.
read more:

We the People of Montana endorse a man with expeience representing Montana, and the people.  A man who will not threaten people, their homes, their jobs, and will not allow a law student to practice law, or lie to a court about it.  That man is Rick Hill.

Steve Bullock violated Montana election law in 2012 to begin collecting money for his election.  When you have to break the rules to win, you are a man like Steve Bullock.

Please vote for the man with better character, and better qualifications, Rick Hill.

Even with Lee Enterprises attempting to make Steve Bullock look good, Steve Bullock does not stand a chance as he underestimated the medical marijuana vote and support in Montana.  His stance on gay marriage will not be enough to allow him a victory for the Montana Governor election in 2012.

Enough people know what Steve Bullock is.  Steve Bullock is what Steve Bullock does.  Steve Bullock does not follow his sworn oath, and Steve Bullock will lose the Montana election in 2012.