Thursday, May 17, 2012

Lee's media blackout

Lee papers would never cover news that could help Americans, because they are owned by corporations, and governments.  The real story is that America is LAWLESS.

Mainstream Media in the USA--crucial facts from Lee Camp (R-rating)

Lee Enterprises misinforms Americans about true news.  Thats why they SUCK.
Improper influence at Lee Enterprises:

How Lee Enterprises decides newsworthiness:

How Lee Enterprises Inc. are PROFITEERS WITHOUT ETHICS:

The following is a press release for a nationwide documentary--Lawless America

Lawless America Movie

The Lawless America not-for-profit is creating a movie with participants in 50 states. The Ravalli County area of Montana produced "Beneath the Beauty" to expose some of our judicial problems, and we found it to be very helpful in our effort.

Please financially support Lawless America--the movie on kickstarter, or visit to support the movie/documentary.

Monday, May 14, 2012

support Lawless America Documentary

Lawless America was founded by Bill Windsor, a person thrown out of the Federal Judiciary in Atlanta Georgia. Mr. Windsor is attempting to make a documentary about the lawlessness in America. This film will be called lawless America--The Movie.

There are astounding accounts in the United States today of people losing their basic rights. Bill Windsor and Lawless America have found 750 victims and they will be telling their stories to the public that the media are directed to NOT cover. Your support for Lawless America the Movie is needed now.

Kickstarter account to support the Movie online:

Many ways American citizens are attempting to save America--what is left of it. Bill Windsor is attempting to raise $50,000 to shoot this movie.

Your allowance is needed now--to make information known about the injustice in the USA in courtrooms, and perpetrated by law firms throughout the United States--and our governments overrun by lawyers--making the USA lawless.

Here is the promotional video for the Lawless America MOVIE.
Kidnapping Children in America--by state government
featured in Lawless America's movie
MORE: Attorney's above the law from Lawless America Movie.

visit the lawless America website for more information, or tune into Bill Windsor's web TV program, sign the petition, and other connections to the anti-corruption issues in America.

Please contribute to the Lawless America movie, even a dollar, or $10,000 here's why:
Bill Windsor of lawless America group.
[friend them on facebook]

Tell your friends on facebook, share, and restore America by telling our collective story.
If you are lucky enough to NOT have an injustice story,
then read and follow Lawless America.
[you will be glad you did].

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