Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hey Lee Enterprises, what is the Deal? Are you "in bed with" Steve Bullock?

oh and What is that September 9th Link to HelenaAir and Assets..? Boy you guys sure are Dumb at this Internet Thing..

Visitor Analysis & System Spec
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Location:Davenport, Iowa, United StatesResolution:1280x1024
Returning Visits:0Javascript:Enabled
Visit Length:Multiple visits spread over more than one dayISP:Lee Enterprises

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31 May10:02:25

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9 Sep 201109:00:00Exit Link

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Lee Enterprises convicted

Last fall, last week, and last hour Lee Enterprises was convicted by a jury of their peers.

As phone hacking is required in the United Kingdom to get secret phone messages, Newspapers like Lee Enterprises in the USA need only go along with abusive governments and get live calling data, not merely phone messages.  We have freedom of speech in the United States, which means Corporations like Lee Enterprises, if they are good corporate people can listen into their foes.

Federal judges are a pushover in the United States.  Having a problem, or getting sued by a defamation victim?  Why merely go along and the Federal Judiciary would be more than happy to accommodate the corporate US media.  The inquiry in England is being conducted by Lords, and arresting editors.  In the United States, editors and media companies can make known false sworn statements to a court, and lordy be, nothing happens to Lee Enterprises.

Sources tell the Lee Enterprises Sucks blog that Lee Enterprises claimed they were too invested in defamation to take down the articles which contain known false information.  So not only will US print media have no standard to abide by, the US District courts will allow them to listen in on what was private conversations, and commit defamation as long as the price is right.

The Price is right if Lee Enterprises is doing favors for contestants     
Lee Enterprises has no standard for editing, or reviewing articles for validity.  No matter, as federal judges find outside of controlling authority, and even outside of federal statutes.

Lee Enterprises gets favors in the US Bankruptcy courts and their own employees suffer.  Lee Enterprises are convicted of being a corporation.  Corporations love profits.  The problem arises when Warren Buffet, personal friend with the above contestant give favors by having friends of the administration invest 4% of Lee Enterprises.

Lee Enterprises shafts employees, bonuses to execs for Bankruptcy
a true corporation where people dont matter

The Guardian Newspaper in the United Kingdom is trying to convince a European audience that "newspapers still have value".  Well, as the NYSE value of Lee Enterprises was below the $1 minimum and has been hovering around $1.13 before and after the announcement by Buffet, it appears that Lee Enterprises still is having a problem getting its stock up.

Lee Needs Viagra:

As world media outlets are no different than Lee Enterprises, they are being convicted for being corporations.  Bottom line matters as no one is buying newspapers anymore, and newspapers are merely the co-servants of abusive governments.  As real people pay for these corporate governments, they are getting the shaft, as no real information, only manufactured "news" comes from the new corporate media.  If the media work with the government, even protected rights can falter.

Lee Enterprises flagship Missoulian Newspaper in Montana
publishes front page stories about Trespassing on Public Property

Lee Enterprises is even using its improper influence as a news provider for its own benefit, and to support its own investments.  Lee Enterprises is in real trouble if they use their power of the pen to protect their investments.

Improper influence at Lee Enterprises:

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Lee's media blackout

Lee papers would never cover news that could help Americans, because they are owned by corporations, and governments.  The real story is that America is LAWLESS.

Mainstream Media in the USA--crucial facts from Lee Camp (R-rating)

Lee Enterprises misinforms Americans about true news.  Thats why they SUCK.
Improper influence at Lee Enterprises:

How Lee Enterprises decides newsworthiness:

How Lee Enterprises Inc. are PROFITEERS WITHOUT ETHICS:

The following is a press release for a nationwide documentary--Lawless America

Lawless America Movie

The Lawless America not-for-profit is creating a movie with participants in 50 states. The Ravalli County area of Montana produced "Beneath the Beauty" to expose some of our judicial problems, and we found it to be very helpful in our effort.

Please financially support Lawless America--the movie on kickstarter, or visit to support the movie/documentary.

Monday, May 14, 2012

support Lawless America Documentary

Lawless America was founded by Bill Windsor, a person thrown out of the Federal Judiciary in Atlanta Georgia. Mr. Windsor is attempting to make a documentary about the lawlessness in America. This film will be called lawless America--The Movie.

There are astounding accounts in the United States today of people losing their basic rights. Bill Windsor and Lawless America have found 750 victims and they will be telling their stories to the public that the media are directed to NOT cover. Your support for Lawless America the Movie is needed now.

Kickstarter account to support the Movie online:

Many ways American citizens are attempting to save America--what is left of it. Bill Windsor is attempting to raise $50,000 to shoot this movie.

Your allowance is needed now--to make information known about the injustice in the USA in courtrooms, and perpetrated by law firms throughout the United States--and our governments overrun by lawyers--making the USA lawless.

Here is the promotional video for the Lawless America MOVIE.
Kidnapping Children in America--by state government
featured in Lawless America's movie
MORE: Attorney's above the law from Lawless America Movie.

visit the lawless America website for more information, or tune into Bill Windsor's web TV program, sign the petition, and other connections to the anti-corruption issues in America.

Please contribute to the Lawless America movie, even a dollar, or $10,000 here's why:
Bill Windsor of lawless America group.
[friend them on facebook]

Tell your friends on facebook, share, and restore America by telling our collective story.
If you are lucky enough to NOT have an injustice story,
then read and follow Lawless America.
[you will be glad you did].

Monday, May 7, 2012

Newsworthiness at Lee

Lee Enterprises is hanging precariously 13 cents above NYSE doom as their stock price is only 1.13 as a 1.00 minimum is needed. Funny that executives of Lee Enterprises were rewarded for their successful run through US Bankruptcy Court. Perhaps the reward was too soon as Lee Enterprises in Montana engages in crime cover up, and determines that public officials can be protected when engaged in criminal acts. A while ago this blog network suggested Lee Enterprises take VIAGRA to keep their stock up:

Univ. of Montana photo
Jim Messina former White House Deputy Chief of Staff
current re-election manager for Barack Obama 2012
resident and member alumni board University of Montana, Missoula Montana.

Messina is reason Lee, and US media are so GAY crazy

Messina leaked CONFIDENTIAL DOD reports to US Congress
to repeal "dont ask dont tell"
read more:

As an attack on an individual pleased high ranking US officials, Lee was rewarded with the Associated Press rubber stamp on this type of news. Has anyone figured out that improper influence in the media is a VERY dangerous proposition.


Here is a public document describing how Lee Enterprises looks the other way for crime where their newspaper is located. It has not been determined how much money (if any) was taken by Lee Enterprises to look the other way for this situation in Montana.

Lee Enterprises protects criminal activity by protecting actors in Montana:
Montana Print Media exposed:

Welcome to your Associated Press in the United States: Lee Enterprises:
where peaceful assembly is written up as a crime.
Where crime is covered up for......??

Lee Enterprises refuses to cover a felony hit and run accident by a public official.
[in broad daylight]

This is the formerly hidden way corporations help governments, and in turn how governments help corporations like Lee Enterprises. As the people get hurt (it was an injury accident on September 14, 2007 in Hamilton MT) how is this improper use of corporations to keep the truth from the American people going to continue in the United States?

As the United States goes through an election cycle (which has become a corporation cycle) how is Lee Enterprises, charged with "reporting the news" to America going to throw its responsibility to the people? Should there be ANY faith in the American media and in turn Lee Enterprises?

As Lee Enterprises throws accidents (and crime) when asked to do so in America, why should they be trusted with the Associated Press? As Lee Enterprises gets special favors to stay on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) as their stock was below $1 in 2011, where do the favors end?

When is enough enough?

Friday, May 4, 2012

Lee Enterprises Newspapers in the State of Montana LIE about Crimes to Cover Up for Corrupt Judges, County Attorneys, Detectives and the Power Elite.

No Worries Lee Enterprises, We Intend to Roll Out Ever Lie of RAPE in Montana and LIES of other Crimes that your Paper Told to Cover UP for the Wall of Corruption in Montana

Visitor Analysis & System Spec
Referring URL:
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Host Name:192-104-231-235.rev.lee.netBrowser:IE 8.0
IP Address: — [Label IP Address]Operating System:WinXP
Location:Davenport, Iowa, United StatesResolution:1024x768
Returning Visits:0Javascript:Enabled
Visit Length:Not ApplicableISP:Lee Enterprises

Navigation Path

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4 May18:23:03