Friday, August 5, 2011

Finders Keepers

Virginia Bolen of Hamilton Montana was one of the first brave stances against local corruption, and violation of her rights. Her account, very thoughtfully written, documents law enforcement abuses against a senior AMERICAN citizen in Montana.

At approximately 70 years of age, she was charged with a FELONY for finding a valuable watch. It turns out, the owner was friends with the former county attorney's wife.
read more:

Virginia Bolen wrote a book of her experience called Finders Keepers, the strange encounter with local law (enforcement).

Find it at Amazon at:

The book describes how the local press, mostly Lee Enterprises papers in Montana were helping the hype of the story, and Bolen shrewdly uses the newspaper accounts to their demise.

Hats off and Moxy to Virginia Bolen, featured and interviewed in "Beneath the Beauty" documentary describing her ordeal, with the Ravalli County Sheriff Department, the Ravalli County Attorney Office, specifically former prosecutor Michael Reardon; up for election as Hamilton City Judge in November 2011.
info on documentary: 

Hamilton Judge Reardon Recall affidavit:
[Note-Michael Reardon requested enhanced penalty for Bolen, due to crime being so "heinous"]

Virginia Bolen's book is a whistleblower media, and a courageous effort.
a must read in our days of struggle to sustain our established rights in America.

If more Americans such as Virginia Bolen demonstrated their tenacity to fight local corruption, the citizens of this country would not be facing a vortex of judicial problems. Please read Finders Keepers from Virginia Bolen, and decide if Montana is a place where your hard earned income should be spent to support tourism (the state's ranking source of income). Montana sits last in the Continental US for Justice, per the US Justice Department in 2007: Mrs. Bolen describes why in her book.

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