"LEE Ent. just announced that on March 21, 2012 during their annual meeting of stockholders they will be seeking shareholder authorization to perform a reverse stock split.
That split will involve combining anywhere from 2 to 5 shares into 1.
Given the price of LEE Ent. stock, which is currently trading at $1.06/share, and continuing to fall, it could result in a "new" price of $2.12 to $5.30/share.
It would not do anything to restore benefits that have been stolen from employees, but it would change the "perception" of LEE's continued failure and Mary Junck's inability to move the Corporation forward with actual productive measures that would demonstrably increase the value of LEE Ent.
When you don't have any actual solutions, like Mary Junck, you reach into your black bag of magic tricks and pull a Houdini!"
Lee Stockholder Letter
Modified Lee Stockholder Letter.
"Source of Post, Sent in By Reader, Insider. Have a Tip LEE Enterprises Tip?
by Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox - Exposing the TRUTH about Lee Enterprises - Got a Tip on Lee Enterprises, Crystal@CrystalCox.com
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Listen cafefully LEE
As America is having a problem giving rights to Occupiers in public places, Lee Enterprises needs to watch two videos to better clarify their role as Mary Junck is CEO and AP head of US media.
Remember Publisher Stacey Muller at the Missoulian?
[she went BYE-BYE (resignation) 10 days after this debuted]
The Missoulian is Lee's Western Montana FLAGSHIP "newspaper"
Now, there is only one more instruction to HEED and take action on Lee Enterprises:
"Do what you gotta do to keep in business Lee"
SORRY ABOUT YOUR 13% Dilution of your "company".
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Mary Junk Letter to Shareholders and Employers. Is Lee Enterprises Mary Junk telling the Truth?
Have a Tip on possible criminal activity of Mary Junck or Lee Enterprises? Email your Tip to Crystal@CrystalCox.com
"a PDF of Mary Junck's Jan 23, 2012 letter to Share Holders and Employees.
Note that FIRST, she denotes ONLY a 13% dilution in the value of Lee Ent. stock due to: "The refinancing extends the maturities of Lee's borrowings to December 2015 and April 2017 and included the issuance of 6,743,640 shares of Lee Common Stock, amounting to dilution of approximately 13% in the base of outstanding shares."
Mary Junck's Jan 23, 2012 letter to Share Holders and Employees.
"a PDF of Mary Junck's Jan 23, 2012 letter to Share Holders and Employees.
Note that FIRST, she denotes ONLY a 13% dilution in the value of Lee Ent. stock due to: "The refinancing extends the maturities of Lee's borrowings to December 2015 and April 2017 and included the issuance of 6,743,640 shares of Lee Common Stock, amounting to dilution of approximately 13% in the base of outstanding shares."
SO, LEE Ent. just issued a bunch of more worthless paper, to the tune of 6,743,640squares of toilet paper. Nothing backing these but blind faith.
NEXT, LEE Ent. is planning on pulling a Houdini by doing a "reverse stock split", whereby the total number of issued shares of LEE Ent. stock would be HALVED, thus having the effect of IMMEDIATELY DOUBLING their value, and catching DUMB and IGNORANT Investors off guard and having those not in the know thinking LEE Ent. did something worthwhile.
LEE Ent. is a desperate Corporation with a desperate CEO who is pulling every trick in the book to loot LEE Ent. dry before it collapses into a worthless heap.
From Investopedia:
Read more: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/reversesplit.asp#ixzz1l8e4TTKP
Investopedia explains 'Reverse Stock Split'
For example, a 1-for-2 reverse split means you get half as many shares, but at twice the price. It's usually a bad sign if a company is forced to reverse split - firms do it to make their stock look more valuable when, in fact, nothing has changed. A company may also do a reverse split to avoid being delisted.Read more: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/reversesplit.asp#ixzz1l8e4TTKP
"The refinancing extends the maturities of Lee's borrowings to December 2015 and April 2017 and included the issuance of 6,743,640 shares of Lee Common Stock, amounting to dilution of approximately 13% in the base of outstanding shares.
Implementation required a voluntary, prepackaged Chapter 11 process that successfully concluded on January 30, 2012."
Implementation required a voluntary, prepackaged Chapter 11 process that successfully concluded on January 30, 2012."
Thank you for holding LEE Ent. and their worthless Juncks' feet to the fire."
Source: Send in By Reader
Mary Junck's Jan 23, 2012 letter to Share Holders and Employees.
Lee Common Stock,
Lee Insider Trading,
Lee Whistle Blower Lawsuit,
Lee Whistleblower,
Mary Junck,
Shareholder Letter
Lee Enterprises Aids and Abets Montana Corruption at Every Level from What I have Witnessed, Researched, and those I have Interviewed. Lee Enterprises is Media to Protect the Wall of Corruption in Montana
It is said that Montana State Governor Brian Schweitzer issued a Gag on the Press from his office to NOT print ANYTHING about the DFS, Department of Child and Family Services, Corruption in the newspaper, until Brian Schweitzer is out of office this year. Is this True?
STOP Corruption in Montana's Department of Child and Family Services and STOP Lee Enterprises from supporting corruption in Montana and every that Lee Enterprises chooses what is "News"
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STOP Corruption in Montana's Department of Child and Family Services and STOP Lee Enterprises from supporting corruption in Montana and every that Lee Enterprises chooses what is "News"
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