This post will talk about Stacey Mueller, a FORMER publisher for Lee Enterprises.
my bank
Lee Enterprise starlet that fell.
Photo Coutesy of for LEE's Dragnet.
Ms. Mueller felt that publishing AP stories, picked up about trespassing on public property, to make a dig on a Mayor candidate one year past was something worth Lee Enterprises resources in Montana.
Here is my response:
a short dedication to Stacey Mueller, Missoula Montana
The extent of the defamation included a family farm, resources of an individual, and even professional sabotage. Ms. Mueller authorized comments on Lee Enterprise websites to the extent that it takes two corporate law firms to defend the numerous parties involved. The most striking blow to Ms. Mueller was putting her own Lee Enterprise attorneys in jeopardy of perjury for giving them false information.
Ms. Mueller sent false information to law enforcement in Montana construing conduct at a Lee Enterprise place of business. When no authentication of such conduct was proven to a court, Ms. Mueller had no place to hide except for another corporate haven: a bank.
Ms. Mueller is corporate scum who broke laws, ethical rules in Montana. A bank is not a safe haven, and is not a step up from Print Media. As long as our society allows people like Stacey Mueller to defame and destroy others due to corporate status for profit, perhaps the people in 80 Countries and 1500 Cities are there for the same reason.
Corporations are not people.
Corporations are not more important than people.
Governments are not here to cater to Corporations.
The 99% are here to tell you that the Thought Revolution is here.
Please Excuse My Dear Friend's Language
Lee Camp, Comedian on #Occupy Wall St.
Describing the Stacey Mueller's of the world
crapping on the planet.
You knew better Ms. Mueller, and so did Lee Enterprises. Perhaps Stacey Mueller is a genius. Lee is on its last breaths. It still gives you no right to lie to corporate attorneys or destroy people's lives using Lee Enterprise outlets in Montana.
I hope they eat you for f*&#$ing breakfast in the banking industry.
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