Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bankruptcy and more....

Notice of Claim:

Stupid is as Lee Enterprises does:
as falsely published in the USA today from Lee Enterprises AP submission.  Had an appointment with the Library staff, went back 6 weeks later as director forgot to include the library policy in written correspondence. Far different than Lee put up of the AP wire.

Read about the deception at the Bitterroot Public Library "fundraising".
[you can decide on your own if it is FRAUD].

August 20, 2010--USA Today

Hamilton — The city dropped a trespassing charge against a former mayoral candidate after the state Supreme Court upheld a protection order that effectively bars him from Bitterroot Public Library. The charge was the result of a dispute last year when Michael Spreadbury repeatedly tried to persuade the library to add to its collection a letter written to President Obama by another Bitterroot Valley resident that accuses local officials of corruption.

[This falsification, false light published from a Lee Enterprise AP story landed a $27M lawsuit].

Lee Enterprises, US Judge have a "cognitive delay" on what repeatedly means.  The Montana Supreme Court was not essentially doing anything with an unlawful "ban" from a library in violation of Montana law (MCA s. 22-1-311--Use of Library Privileges). Spreadbury was never asked to leave the library, which the Montana law requires.  OOPSY!

The Montana US President Letter has had 10 Million views; Obama ignored civil rights as the first African American US President. The corporate media, governments are learning from the 99%: lies cannot deceive the people. Lee is bankrupt, Obama won't get re-elected in 2012.

Montana US President Letter from 2009
...which prompted Lee's Stupidity et. al.

[PS--I'm the FEMA officer written about in the letter; Worst State: Montana Justice system featured]

What Lee was really protecting:
Jim Messina, Obama's 2012 Campaign Manager,
Messina is former Deputy Chief of Staff in the Obama White House "from Montana" is featured in US President letter [see last line].

The Jim Messina Political Show:
[ignore CIVIL RIGHTS requests to the first African American US President]

US President letter, 10pg. BANNED from a Public Library in Montana:

Perhaps that letter was more important than the public library in Hamilton, MT or Lee Enterprises thought, AND they collectively thought they could "crazy-make" the messenger.  Seeing how the messenger was charged with a FELONY for speaking in public, the Government, and Corporate Media really don't want you to read this letter.  Maybe you should see why for yourself.

Can you find a threat of the messenger?

The dutiful work of Lee Enterprises to protect the corporate US President seems to have backfired.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Hey Lee Enterprises, I Will Be Investigating all Aspects of You Bankruptcy Dealings

"Judge OK's Lee Enterprises bankruptcy financing

By RANDALL CHASE, AP Business Writer

WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Newspaper company Lee Enterprises Inc. has won approval to borrow up to $40 million as it works through its prepackaged bankruptcy case.

Lee, publisher of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and more than 40 other daily newspapers, filed for bankruptcy protection Monday with the support of lenders and note holders holding more than 95 percent of its debt. The case in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington is designed to force the remaining lenders to go along.

Lee has said it is requesting a $40 million credit line to ensure that it has enough funds to last through its restructuring, though it doesn't expect to need it right away. The judge overseeing the case approved that Tuesday.

Most of Lee's debt stems from of its acquisition of Pulitzer Inc. in 2005."


Friday, December 9, 2011

An Early Christmas Gift to LEE

Missoulian is covering for Montana officials

[Missoulian is a newspaper "flagship" for Lee Enterprises, their publisher resigned recently]

This video drove Stacey Mueller, Missoulian Publisher to resign within 10 days of publication.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Missoulian, and other Lee Enterprise papers in the State of Montana have been busy covering up articles which might shed truth on their "clients"

Their clients include in the last week:

  • Dean Irma Russell the University of Montana Law School Missoula Montana
  • Steve Bullock the Montana Attorney General Helena, Montana
  • Anthony Johnstone, the Montana Solicitor General at the Montana AG, Helena, Montana
  • Bill Fulbright Ravalli County Attorney Hamilton, Montana
  • Mat Stevenson private Defense Attorney in Missoula Montana
Why is a newspaper writing articles for Montana public and private officials? Is this what it means to create the news? Lee Enterprises seem to be working hard to keep the corruption going, and suppress the truth.

Most Americans don't trust the print media today, but when Lee Enterprises papers in Montana act as shields to corrupt institutions or officials it defrauds the public, and compromises journalistic principles. We often are told how to think about a subject merely by the way it is written. Words like "its only natural to think this way" are printed in today's print media. Do they think we are that dumb to tell us what to think?

Across the state of Montana, the Billings Gazette, The Helena Independent record, the Missoulian, and the Ravalli Republic are trying their hardest to play defense for some slimy organizations, and officials in Montana. Remember how well private security contractors were regarded after IRAQ? Why do newspapers in Montana think they are any better than a paid service to misinform the people? While they might not wear Black, or have body armor on, its the same principle:

Mercenaries come in a few varieties. Within the Montana print media, its the perception that their work is on the "up and up" when really its just the same: oppression of the people's voice, and the true newsworthy articles. What is the difference between a Blackwater USA employee and a Lee Enterprise one:

I have seen death by proximate cause of reporting. By keeping the last ranked justice system together under orders of local and state governments, that is a Racket, and a criminal enterprise.

Now Montana thinks it is too big to fail. There are too many co-workers to the "Co-Op" and collectively cower together and get paid. While some say that the media business has driven print media like Lee Enterprises and others into this mold, I say where is the integrity?
read more:

By covering Montana officials with articles to suppress the truth from the people is no better than putting on body armor and oppressing the people as a former Blackwater USA employee.
[Why do we source our material ?---because we are not "journalists"]

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Upon a random check of the LEE stock, they are barely above the 53 cent mark.  The tumble began pre-summer as the company converted their $1B in debt to higher interest rate.  That cost Lee Enterprises a cool $27M in financing a year.  For more on the LEE fuzzy math see:

As a blog network, we have encouraged LEE to see a proctologist due to their stock impotence problems since May 2011.  It is the esteemed opinion that LEE Enterprises could use Viagra, since it has used the techniques of ENRON (improperly pumping their value) for more than six (6) months.  To read why Lee Enterprises needs Viagra (or Enron, or Ciallis) see:

The company needs a good session with Dr. Drew, or Dr. Who.  Reality does not seem like Lee Enterprises friend.  The NYSE needs not make favors with LEE, it needs to start enforcing their trading rules, and kick under performing stocks like LEE off the exchange.  The 8-K filing talked of improving the stock price, and it has been nearly 30 days with a net DROP of 15-20 cents.

Lee needs to brace for impact instead of boozing it up for the holidays neglecting their duty to the NYSE to raise their price.  Do you think Mary Junck, largest stockholder doesn't want to reverse split the stock and make her fortune only finite?

Regardless, Lee Enterprises sucks, their papers are losing money, staff have no idea how to be professional, and the CEO is beyond borrowed time.  The NYSE needs to rent a roller and destroy Lee Enterprises for asking for too many favors.  Happy Holidays LEE.

Your stock is under performing, and your favors from NYSE have run out.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Lee ducks NYSE probe

Davenport, IA--Lee Enterprises a print media company has evaded the axe from the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).  Two warnings have been issued to Lee Enterprises, but apparently the company, which publishes nearly 50 dailies in 23 states, and 300 weekly circulars is getting special treatment.

UPDATE: Lee Files 8-K paperwork with the NYSE: continued listing as refinancing continues.
read report here:
Mary Junck-- Lee Enterprises CEO              
no pun intended (her corporation, her papers are junk)               

Does it surprise anyone when Marry Junck, CEO based in Davenport Iowa sits on the Associated Press board of directors as chairwoman?  Most companies who cant get their stock price up after 6 months are taken off of the Exchange in New York (NYSE).  Lee Enterprises spends an additional $27M per year towards interest just to pay off their $1B debt, and TRY to stay in business.  The financing deal may not be complete, and it did not help the stock price rise above the $1 minimum price. Lee Enterprises convinces "Seeking Alpha" to make Lee a "good buy"; special press in the Wall Street Journal.  The bottom line is that Lee cannot keep their stock above minimum trade value.

We wrote an article about Lee getting its stock price up:

An interesting group of people are meeting up, and assembling in public.  They are occupying America.  Corporations like Lee Enterprises do more to spread propaganda than help the people.  Special favors from Wall Street indicate a boycott on Lee Enterprises newspapers are called for.

To find out which papers are published by Lee, go to:

As a reminder, Lee Enterprises publishes weekly free publications like Autotrader, a magazine dedicated to selling your vehicle in a local market.  Please consider not supporting these weekly publications when selling your car.  Thank you for being mindful of NOT supporting corporate SCUM like Lee Enterprises, who currently feel that their corporation, is WAY more important than you.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A Lee Publisher's values.

This post will talk about Stacey Mueller, a FORMER publisher for Lee Enterprises.

Lee Enterprise starlet that fell.

Photo Coutesy of for LEE's Dragnet.

Ms. Mueller felt that publishing AP stories, picked up about trespassing on public property, to make a dig on a Mayor candidate one year past was something worth Lee Enterprises resources in Montana.

Here is my response:

 a short dedication to Stacey Mueller, Missoula Montana

The extent of the defamation included a family farm, resources of an individual, and even professional sabotage.  Ms. Mueller authorized comments on Lee Enterprise websites to the extent that it takes two corporate law firms to defend the numerous parties involved.  The most striking blow to Ms. Mueller was putting her own Lee Enterprise attorneys in jeopardy of perjury for giving them false information.

Ms. Mueller sent false information to law enforcement in Montana construing conduct at a Lee Enterprise place of business.  When no authentication of such conduct was proven to a court, Ms. Mueller had no place to hide except for another corporate haven: a bank.

my bank

Ms. Mueller is  corporate scum who broke laws, ethical rules in Montana.  A bank is not a safe haven, and is not a step up from Print Media.  As long as our society allows people like Stacey Mueller to defame and destroy others due to corporate status for profit, perhaps the people in 80 Countries and 1500 Cities are there for the same reason.

Corporations are not people.

Corporations are not more important than people.

Governments are not here to cater to Corporations.

The 99% are here to tell you that the Thought Revolution is here.

Please Excuse My Dear Friend's Language
Lee Camp, Comedian on #Occupy Wall St.
 Describing the Stacey Mueller's of the world
crapping on the planet.

You knew better Ms. Mueller, and so did Lee Enterprises.  Perhaps Stacey Mueller is a genius.  Lee is on its last breaths.  It still gives you no right to lie to corporate attorneys or destroy people's lives using Lee Enterprise outlets in Montana.

I hope they eat you for f*&#$ing breakfast in the banking industry.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Is Lee Enterprises Going Bankrupt?

Visitor Analysis & System Spec
Search — lee enterprises bankruptcy
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Location:West Sacramento, California, United StatesResolution:1100x1746
Returning Visits:0Javascript:Enabled
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Navigation Path

DateTimeWebPage — lee enterprises bankruptcy
15 Oct20:58:57

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Crimes within Lee

Perry Backus: Criminal Schemes

Perry Backus has lost two publishers and two editors at the Ravalli Republic.

Perry Backus works without a publisher or editor on site in Hamilton Montana at the Ravalli Republic.

Some "Janitor" named Michael Spreadbury made it happen. Some unethical reporter involved in an accident scheme is going to be exposed in this blogpost named Perry Backus who now works for the Ravalli Republic in Hamilton, Montana.

Offices of the Ravalli Republic, Hamilton Montana
232 W. Main St.
(406) 363-3300 Mountain Time

Perry Backus belittles my seventh generation ranch in print as "family ranch" that is bigger than most in the Bitterroot Valley where the Ravalli Republic rag is sold. The original homested is approximately 1000 acres, and because I sat on public property, and Perry Backus wrote that it is a crime of trespassing, that ranching family doesn't talk to me anymore; no one can understand how sitting on a public green in the middle of August would ever be a crime.

Perry Backus Ravalli Republic
Are you a scumbag yet Perry Backus?

As a janitor at Marcus Daly Hospital, I was the only ER cleaning staff as a 6 car accident came in December 6, 2008. As a former FEMA officer, I was used to coordinating disasters. Here is what happened: I comforted families, brought them to waiting areas, cleaned rooms, glass off the floor, and in doing so heard the Montana Highway Patrol attempting to blame a victim of the accident as a perpetrator. Three Montana Highway Patrolman showed up that night to investigate, and report on the accident. The "janitor" Michael Spreadbury busted the crime ring which included Perry Backus.

I coordinated the Montana Highway patrol to an empty nurses station on the far end of the Emergency Room so they would have power for their laptops, and space to work that would be out of the way of the public, physicians treating the injured, etc. Interesting enough not three weeks earlier I had taken the written test to become a Highway Patrolman on November 15, 2008 and did not get a test score. The former responsible party is now our chief justice for Montana Mike McGrath. The Chicago Times says in 2007 Montana's Mike McGrath needs to be disbarred for a DNA gaffe:

Funny, the current Department Head of Criminal Investigation (DCI) told me on the phone I would never be a Montana Highway Patrol--I must not be able to throw accidents to their satisfaction. I told him Montana ranked 48/48 in the USA for Justice, which came as a shock to him: not me.

So I heard the driver of the 5th Wheel Truck involved with the accident tell this PROUD MHP that he did not see any tail lights on the vehicle in front of him. I heard him after he was repeating the pronouncement of no tail lights, to a deaf Highway Patrol. They were told whom to blame. As the "janitor" I even led the unsuspecting MHP trio to the opposite patient wing of the hospital to talk to more witnesses. Thier chatter about the perpetrator of the accidents in the hospital halls told me what to do....expose those corrupt bastards at the MHP, and watch the Ravalli Republic for printed propaganda.

So Back to PERRY BACKUS. on December 20, 2008 Perry Backus runs a story on the front page of the Ravalli Republic that the Blonde MHP thought that the 5th Wheel Hay Truck was responsible. So wouldn't you know it, I lost my "Janitor" job at Marcus Daly Hospital within weeks of standing up for the truth and standing up for helpless victims that Perry Baucus conspired to make with the Ravalli County Attorney, The MHP, and possibly the Hospital. I wrote to the administrator of the hospital that their patients were being victimized. The County Attorney lost his reelection, but Perry Backus was too useful as the "mouth of the corruption" to be canned.

A few weeks later, it was 5 below zero and I am making the 1 mile walk home. I am stopped by Hamilton's ABSOLUTE finest: Hamilton Police Officer Brad Weston. Weston accused me of being a burglar a block from my house on S. 5th Street [probably the nicest established neighborhood in Ravalli County]. Everywhere I go, Hamilton Police ask where I work, and then I am gone. I expose the criminal schemes and stop the victimization's of Perry Backus and his friends of the Ravalli Republic. There is no one to expose the Ravalli Republic and Perry Backus, because there is no law, and the FBI encourage and protect the lawlessness, and corruption. See the President letter for more:

2009 Montana President letter: asking for Civil Rights (10 pg.)

After being canned, the personnel clerk literally was crying that I was not longer their janitor at Marcus Daly Hospital. I said I was not upset, it was for the best: there is not a square inch in the Ravalli Republic that is not corrupt, including Marcus Daly Memorial Hospital. It makes me sick.

Perry Backus is stupid enough to push a story that I was a janitor when I graduated from a 35th ranked University in the USA, and I took the job because he helped destroy my work life. The first instance published that I was "arrested" was September 12, 2007 by the Ravalli Republic in Hamilton Montana--for something that is not a crime [not appearing although my attorney appeared for me due to being DEPLOYED for the Untied States]. Perry Backus of the Ravalli Republic graduated to writing false AP stories about me (read a blurb in the USA Today) because it is never a crime to sit on public property Perry, it is called peaceful assembly...kind of what is going on at Occupy Wall St. in NYC.

So Perry Backus, your debts to society is removing your criminal bullshit prose from the Internet, and your 5th grade mentality that the 48th Ranked Montana is your "gang" that will protect you. You are a coward, your a a bum, Perry Backus, you go to new lows to defame people, and you are scum.

Perry Backus is more lying scum than Clemens the Boston Red Sox Pitcher

NBC Sports

Why doesn't Perry Backus look like this sap? Perry Backus is protected by the worst justice system in the United States Montana, Max Baucus, and the White House itself.

....because they are covering their own ass. Perry Backus is just their useful idiot.

The useful idot Perry Backus own WAY: HE DEFAMES ON COMMAND.

Perry Backus backs up the criminal justice system with criminal schemes like with the Montana Highway Patrol in December 2008. Too bad it was only 3 weeks prior to Steve Bullock took over.

Steve Bullock's Montana:

Perry Backus covered up this FELONY hit and run accident September 14, 2007
sokul photo
The September 14, 2007 accident involved a Hamilton City Councilman:

[Note: some "janitor" pled for Perry Backus arrest to a State Judge in this post below:]
So Perry Backus, who covered for the criminal act of City Attorney Ken Bell (happy retirement).

Perry Backus of the Ravalli Republic worked with George Corn in a criminal scheme

Perry Backus's parent company, Lee Enterprises is a having a problem getting it's stock up, so I suggested VIAGRA:

Does anyone wonder why corporate lawyers for Lee Enterprises defending Perry Backus would be willing to go to jail for him, committing perjury? It is a protection racket for sure.

So why do people like Perry Backus feel so comfortable? US Judges, Corporate layers, and no federal agency is willing to tackle the criminal scheme Perry Backus is involved with. It is understood that Jim Messina former White House staff [current 2012 Obama reelection manager] can stop any agency, and we believe he replaced the deputy director of the FBI Richard Powers due to our work in Montana that he expressed interest in. [see president letter]

That is why Perry Backus of the Ravalli Republic Newspaper feels he is protected....because it seems safe. I think Lee Enterprise stock below $1 minimum since may might just tank Perry Backus after all. If criminal schemes are being protected by White House staff, then the public needs to know.

People need to know that officials and private actors like Perry Backus are criminals.

[share or copy this URL and blogpost]

Monday, October 10, 2011

Lee Enterprises counsel could face prison

In a case for defamation in Montana (where Lee has a print media Monopoly), Lee's retained attorneys decided that it was safe to make several false statements contained within a sworn affidavit to a court.

Is it so Lee Enterprises?

Are corporate attorneys so arrogant that they think an educated self represented litigant cant represent themselves to a court? Or don't court rules apply to Lee Enterprise attorneys?

The fate of Lee's retained defense counsel will rest in the hands of the Federal Judiciary, if they are to be trusted. Conflicts of interest, paid conflicts of interests were ignored by Federal Judges appointed by US Senator Maxmillion Baucus of Montana. Sources close to the case say that Max Baucus called out the defamation hit to begin with, and has improper influence over Lee Enterprises and the US District Judges in Montana.  Lee might suck, but Baucus is Scum:

Lee is in the middle of a debt crisis, and a NYSE impotence: we recommended VIAGRA or ENRON:
read more:

Lee Enterprises officials did not do well in math, business courses, or legal advice. Of course we, as victims of Lee Enterprises think Lee Sucks at everything. Why would they take on $27M in more debt every year with less workforce in the worst Economy since the 1930's?
read more:

While we don't ever expect Lawyers to go to jail for their crimes, Lee Enterprises retained counsel decided to try to pull a criminal fast one. While we are outing this stuff, lets name the law firm, and see if their reputation will also fall like Lee's.

Garlington, Lohn & Robinson.

This firm, above giving known false statements in a sworn affidavit, gave $250,000.00 US to the University of Montana Law School for their $40M expansion. Like GLR, the UM Law school teaches how to be in contempt of court [Montana Code Ann. MCA 45-7-309(c)] as a unlicensed unsupervised law student (Angela Wetzsteon '08). GLR and LEE like lawyers willing to commit crime; must have been the reason for the donation to the cause: they are looking for a few good criminals.
 The University of Montana Law Insider:

UPDATE: Within 4 hours of proving false statements by Lee, a US Magistrate Judge in Missoula Montana PROTECTED lee with a "safe harbour".  Does anyone wonder why people are "Occupying America" right now?  Corporate America is protected by the US Government.

2nd UPDATE: Publisher Stacey Mueller of Lee's Missoulian Missoula MT has resigned the day after the false information, which she most likely gave the corporate attorneys at GLR.

Ok, so case closed. Lee Sucks, and retains criminals to defend them.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Lee Enterprises Googles "Crystal L. Cox" - Come on Lee don't you Know who I am Yet?

Web Stats from Today, and Lee, Email me at and just ask me, I will tell you who I am and why I am so frustrated with how Lee Newspaper does Business..

Visitor Analysis & System Spec
Search — "Crystal L. Cox"
Host Name:192-104-231-235.rev.lee.netBrowser:Chrome 14.0
IP Address: — [Label IP Address]Operating System:WinXP
Location:Waterloo, Iowa, United StatesResolution:1280x1024
Returning Visits:0Javascript:Enabled
Visit Length:5 secondsISP:Lee Enterprises

Navigation Path

DateTimeWebPage — "Crystal L. Cox"
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30 Sep14:11:57