I took Lee Enterprises to court, for defamation. The problem? The presiding Federal Judge was appointed by the person who wanted me defamed. US Senator Max Baucus (D-MT).
Max put one of his employees into the US White House---Jim Messina.
University of Montana photo
Mr. Messina is working on a campaign. To re-elect a president, and to convince Americans that we need to be gay crazy, and there are enough undereducated women, Hispanics, to win in 2012.
Oh, and then there is that little thing about leaking confidential information. Jim Messina feels powerful when he puts Americans at risk. Lee Enterprises keeps its company if they publish using the Associated Press (AP) EVERYTHING about gay life, and slanted press for Obama.
Jim Messina the criminal leaker from Montana and Obama campaign manager 2012
Warren Buffett has to bail out Lee Enterprises TWICE. Now thats some Viagra.
What a strange world the elite are. They cover each other's backs....they do favors for each other, and become the fan club for each other. Its just that Lee Enterprises have control over the Associated Press and misinform the American people, by way of violating the basic principle of free press.
Dont you think the founding fathers would really not like Lee Enterprises? Dont you think ordering your friend Warren Buffett to bail out a deceitful company like Lee Enterprises that misinform the American public is kind of autocratic, and perhaps totalitarianism?
Lee's media blackout
For the longest time, The United States has bashed other countries for free speech abuses, human rights abuses, but now it is coming from the Obama Administration as favors from rich friends like Warren Buffett.
When the US free press does not respect basic rights like sitting on public property to go along with a criminal scheme, and get selected to be Associated Press chairmen, there is a fundamental issue with basic rights, and criminal racketeering at Lee Enterprises.
Max put one of his employees into the US White House---Jim Messina.
Mr. Messina is working on a campaign. To re-elect a president, and to convince Americans that we need to be gay crazy, and there are enough undereducated women, Hispanics, to win in 2012.
Oh, and then there is that little thing about leaking confidential information. Jim Messina feels powerful when he puts Americans at risk. Lee Enterprises keeps its company if they publish using the Associated Press (AP) EVERYTHING about gay life, and slanted press for Obama.
Jim Messina the criminal leaker from Montana and Obama campaign manager 2012
Warren Buffett has to bail out Lee Enterprises TWICE. Now thats some Viagra.
What a strange world the elite are. They cover each other's backs....they do favors for each other, and become the fan club for each other. Its just that Lee Enterprises have control over the Associated Press and misinform the American people, by way of violating the basic principle of free press.
Dont you think the founding fathers would really not like Lee Enterprises? Dont you think ordering your friend Warren Buffett to bail out a deceitful company like Lee Enterprises that misinform the American public is kind of autocratic, and perhaps totalitarianism?
Lee's media blackout
For the longest time, The United States has bashed other countries for free speech abuses, human rights abuses, but now it is coming from the Obama Administration as favors from rich friends like Warren Buffett.
When the US free press does not respect basic rights like sitting on public property to go along with a criminal scheme, and get selected to be Associated Press chairmen, there is a fundamental issue with basic rights, and criminal racketeering at Lee Enterprises.
playing it forward with public property to Lee Enterprises in Montana.
Who would have ever dreamed that Warren Buffett would bail out a company that houses the Associated Press, all to allow this press in the United States attempt to sway the American opinion for the 2012 election. Its better than a campaign contribution, and one that does not have to be tracked with the FCC. Warren Buffett not only is Lee's Viagra (keeping their stock up) but is a vehicle attempting to keep the 44th US President in power.
Another reason Lee Enterprises Sucks.