Notice of Claim:
Stupid is as Lee Enterprises does:
as falsely published in the USA today from Lee Enterprises AP submission. Had an appointment with the Library staff, went back 6 weeks later as director forgot to include the library policy in written correspondence. Far different than Lee put up of the AP wire.
Read about the deception at the Bitterroot Public Library "fundraising".
[you can decide on your own if it is FRAUD].
August 20, 2010--USA Today
Hamilton — The city dropped a trespassing charge against a former mayoral candidate after the state Supreme Court upheld a protection order that effectively bars him from Bitterroot Public Library. The charge was the result of a dispute last year when Michael Spreadbury repeatedly tried to persuade the library to add to its collection a letter written to President Obama by another Bitterroot Valley resident that accuses local officials of corruption.
[This falsification, false light published from a Lee Enterprise AP story landed a $27M lawsuit].
Lee Enterprises, US Judge have a "cognitive delay" on what repeatedly means. The Montana Supreme Court was not essentially doing anything with an unlawful "ban" from a library in violation of Montana law (MCA s. 22-1-311--Use of Library Privileges). Spreadbury was never asked to leave the library, which the Montana law requires. OOPSY!
The Montana US President Letter has had 10 Million views; Obama ignored civil rights as the first African American US President. The corporate media, governments are learning from the 99%: lies cannot deceive the people. Lee is bankrupt, Obama won't get re-elected in 2012.
Montana US President Letter from 2009
...which prompted Lee's Stupidity et. al.
[PS--I'm the FEMA officer written about in the letter; Worst State: Montana Justice system featured]
What Lee was really protecting:
Jim Messina, Obama's 2012 Campaign Manager,
Messina is former Deputy Chief of Staff in the Obama White House "from Montana" is featured in US President letter [see last line].
The Jim Messina Political Show:
[ignore CIVIL RIGHTS requests to the first African American US President]
US President letter, 10pg. BANNED from a Public Library in Montana:
Perhaps that letter was more important than the public library in Hamilton, MT or Lee Enterprises thought, AND they collectively thought they could "crazy-make" the messenger. Seeing how the messenger was charged with a FELONY for speaking in public, the Government, and Corporate Media really don't want you to read this letter. Maybe you should see why for yourself.
Can you find a threat of the messenger?
The dutiful work of Lee Enterprises to protect the corporate US President seems to have backfired.